For Advisors
Saturday September 7, 2024
Advisor Resources
We have a complete tax update service for CPAs, attorneys, CLUs, CFPs, ChFCs, trust officers and other professional friends. The GiftLaw services are made available to all advisors as a free service. We are available to assist in helping you provide clients with clear and understandable gift illustrations.More |
GiftLaw Pro
GiftLaw Pro is a complete charitable giving and tax information service inside the GiftLaw website...More |
Deduction Calculator
The GiftLaw Calculator is a planned gifts calculator for professionals that follows the IRS format. Click here to access and run charitable deduction calculations for your favorite gift plan...View Presentation |
Case of the Week
Brandon loves his truck, which he nicknamed “the Beast.” It was a gift for Brandon’s 18th birthday. It is painted bright red and is two tons of metal, muscle and noise. Indeed, many...More |
Private Letter Ruling
Organization applied for exempt status under Sec. 501(c)(3). Organization states that it is organized and operated to bring together employees of D. Membership is automatically assigned to employees...More |
Washington News
On August 27, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reminded taxpayers to use this end-of-summer opportunity to review their withholdings or tax payments. The IRS recognizes that most taxpayers receive a...More |
Article of the Month
There are many advantages to owning a home. Homes often appreciate over the years, providing stable growth and equity ownership. Over time, however, family and financial circumstances change and the...More |